boncrop flow mixing test
boncrop flow can be combined with all standard plant protection products. However, we do recommend always carrying out a mixing test beforehand. A mixing test/bucket test is a cost-effective and easy way to test the miscibility of different products.
Always remember:
- Check the starting pH value of the spray water as this can change significantly once different fertilisers or plant protection products have been mixed in.
- When mixing, stick to the following order: products in powder form, granulated products, suspensions, emulsions, liquid fertiliser (note: the next product should only be added once the previous product has fully dissolved.)
- Remember to check the temperature of the water: the warmer the water, the quicker the products will dissolve.
- At lower temperatures, a good and thorough mixing is even more important.
- Quickly spread the mixture once it is ready. Mixtures that are left to stand for long periods of time can become unstable and trigger unwanted reactions.
- When handling fertilisers and plant protection products, always follow the general safety instructions that have been designed to protect users in line with the German Plant Protection and Hazardous Substances Ordinance.